srdestva za dezinfekciju

Dezinfekcija kao dobra navika

  • Post category:Vesti

„ Prvo mi stvaramo svoje navike, a zatim naše navike stvaraju nas“John Dryden

Kažu da je potrebno da prodje 21 dan kako bi se stekla navika. Pre godinu dana kada je pandemija počela i kada je cela država bila zatvorena, jedna od stvari koja nam je bila najviše potrebna je sredstvo za dezinfekciju. Dezinfekcija je postala imperativ u „Doba korone“. Najvažnije je bilo naći što bolje i efikasnije sredstvo za dezinfekciju.

Najveću potražnju za sredstvima za dezinfekciju su imale medicinske ustanove, pored borbe za mnoge živote, bilo je potrebno sačuvati svoj život i živote ljudi koji nisu bili „zaraženi“.

Obzirom da smo proširili krug prijatelja i saradnika, i da se našem timu pridružila kompanija Adranox, sigurni smo da smo našli proizvode koji su nam sada najpotrebniji i koji su se pokazali neverovatno efikasnim.

Sudeći po portfoliju naše kompanije, izašli smo iz okvira sterilizacije i proširili interesovanja.

Kompanija Adranox nam nudi svetski priznata sredstva za dezinfekciju, koja su nadmašila očekivanja.

Izdvajamo sredstva za manuelno reprocesuiranje, automatsko reprocesuiranje, zaštitu i negu instrumenata i površine osetljive na dodir.

Sredstva su namenjena za medicinske ustanove kojima je dezinfekcija na prvom mestu, jer je briga o pacijentima najvažnija.

S ponosom vas pozivamo da budete i vi za korak ispred drugih sa nama, kompanijom Adranox i inovativnim programom za dezinfekciju.

Disinfection as a good habit

“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us” – John Dryden

They say it takes 21 days for people to form a new habit. A year ago, when the pandemic started and the whole country was under lockdown, one of the things that we needed the most was a disinfectant. Disinfection has become imperative in the “age of the COVID-19”. The most important thing was to find, among many available products, the most efficient or rather, the best disinfectant.

The greatest demand for disinfectants appeared in medical institutions; in addition to fighting for many lives, it was necessary to save their own lives and the lives of people who were not “infected”.

Given that we have expanded the circle of our friends and associates and that Adranox has joined our team, we are confident that we have found the products that we need the most now and that are proven to be incredibly efficient.

Judging by our company’s portfolio, we went beyond sterilization and broadened our interests.

Adranox offers us world-renowned disinfectants that exceeded every possible expectation.

We put an emphasis on detergents and disinfectants for manual reprocessing, automated reprocessing, protection and care of instruments and surfaces of touch-sensitive devices.

The products are intended for medical institutions where disinfection is in the first place, because the patient care is of paramount importance.

We are proud to invite you to be one step ahead of others with us, with Adranox and an innovative disinfection program.